Audit of Insurance Companies, Stock Exchanges, Exploration & Processing, Manufacturing Companies, Engineering Units, Infrastructure, Information Technology, Local Government & Municipalities, Petroleum & Gas, Educational Institutions, Health, NGO's, Programme Evaluation (International Donor-funded Projects)Advertising, Real Estate, Milk Producers Co-op. Societies, Honey Processing Co-op. Societies, Credit Co-op. So., Souharda Co-op. Societies & Financial Institutions.
Specialization in Concurrent, Statutory, Revenue leakage & Stock Audit of various Banks. Having almost three decades of experience in Bank Audits.
Apart from this, The firm has undertaken a lot of tax assignments concerning Individuals, HUF's, Partnership Firms, LLP's, Corporate Assessees, NRI's etc., with respect to Income Tax, VAT, Service Tax, GST etc.,
S. ACHUTHA is a Chartered Accountant. He is practicing as a fellow member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India under the trade name Achutha & Co., at No. 286, ‘Phalaamrutha’, New layout, Ittigegud, Mysore - 570010. He is a visiting faculty at various forums to deliver lectures on Budget, Service Tax, VAT, Income Tax, Bank Audit, Personality Development and Leadership Skills.
Achutha is happily married to Mrs. M.N.Anitha, she has a Master’s degree in Tourism Management and he is blessed with a son Late Dayanand Sagar Hoysala & a daughter Kum. Gowri A. Hoysala an enthusiast in agriculture, wild life & forestry.
Achutha played many roles in many Asscoiations, he is good at Studies, Athletics, Sports and many more. For more information click read more
Collection of Medals
Certificate in 25m Butterfly Event
Trophy in Pick and Speech Competition